Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Total results: 4
  1. Can text be edited?

    Yes, you can 'Select an element or 'Edit all'.  This will open the section selected or the whole document in the WYSWYG editor.

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  2. How do I update a document with a new version?

    When you unpublish a document the extract will be removed and the number of extracts will update.  You can upload the new document and re-extract.

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  3. How is the number of Extracts calculated?

    The total number will be set depending on your contract. 

    The number remaining is calculated by subtracting the current number of  live  (not necessarily published) documents with extracts minus the limit.

    Historical document versions with extracts do not count towards the usage limit.

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  4. If you edit the document will the changes affect the document when downloaded?

    We cannot directly edit the PDF —the Preview and Edit should only be used for Accessibility.  If text is amended it will not update the original pdf.  If however you do amend the text you can elect not to show the original file as a downloadable option in the CMS.

    1. ADCSA
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Total results: 4